The word blockchain was mentioned in Satoshi Nakamoto’s original article titled Bitcoin published in 2008. Although blockchain is not mentioned in this article as a word, an underlying technology component of cryptocurrency is defined as a series of data blocks that are cryptographically chained together. Bitcoin is the first application of blockchain technology. Nakamoto claims that a … Read more

The working logic of the blockchain

Blockchain operating logic Blockchain technology is a complex concept consisting of the combination of different technologies. It consists of three basic elements; 1. BLOCKCHAIN ​​NETWORK STRUCTURE Blockchain is not a company, nor is it connected to a company or a head office. Since it has a distributed network of structures, there is no critical central point. … Read more

What are virtual and augmented reality?

Looking at the word meanings of the concepts of virtual and augmented; The word “virtual” means “conceptual, hypothetical, guesswork, which has no place in reality but is designed in the mind. The word “to increase” has been specified as “to increase, to increase”.   Virtual reality (VR) is created with three-dimensional computer technologies, where people can … Read more

The historical development process of augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR)  first’re at Harvard University in 1960 from Ivan Sutherland, Picture -1 “virtuality gerçeklik- plane” has revealed the so-called representation. Picture -1 Later, in 1968, Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull invented the augmented reality device called “Sword of Damocles” “The Sword of the Democles.” . Picture -2 In a comprehensive study about augmented reality … Read more

Differences between virtual and augmented reality

Virtual and augmented reality concepts can be confused with each other. Differences between the two technologies;

  • While virtual reality (VR) provides an experience to its user completely isolated from real life, augmented reality (AR) provides an experience to the user without losing contact with the world.
  • While continuing to feel touch with real life objects in augmented reality experiences, everything seen in virtual reality is virtual and simulated.
  • While the hardware used in virtual reality experiences is made with a glasses that cover the entire field of view and control sound, augmented reality also provides a free space for the user as if using a typical mobile application.

The difference between virtual and augmented reality

Virtual (AR) and augmented reality (VR) concepts can be confused with each other. We can list the main differences between the two technologies as follows. While virtual reality gives its user an experience completely isolated from real life, augmented reality provides an experience to the user without losing contact with the world. While continuing to … Read more

The historical development process of virtual reality

Virtual reality the development of technology It goes back to the three-dimensional studies made in the 19th century. In this period, the idea of ​​making a two-dimensional picture or figure three-dimensional arose the concept of “stereo”. The first stereo imager “Stereoscope” was invented by Charles Wheatstone. (Figure-1) Figure 1 David Brewster (1850) developed the box-shaped stereoscope. Coleman Sellers … Read more

Usage areas of virtual reality technology in education

In this article, I tried to examine the usage areas of virtual reality technology in education. In my literature review, I observed that it was used in 10 different areas. Enjoyable readings… Virtual Reality in Special Education Virtual reality technology plays an important role in the education of disabled people. It is especially used in the education of … Read more

Usage Areas of Augmented Reality in Education

Usage Areas of Augmented Reality in Education In this article, the usage areas of augmented reality (AR) technology in education are examined. When the literature is scanned, it is seen that AR technology is used in education in mathematics, science, astronomy, engineering, architecture, social sciences, special education and military fields. Augmented Reality in Special Education … Read more