Virtual reality the development of technology
It goes back to the three-dimensional studies made in the 19th century. In this period, the idea of making a two-dimensional picture or figure three-dimensional arose the concept of “stereo”. The first stereo imager “Stereoscope” was invented by Charles Wheatstone. (Figure-1)

David Brewster (1850) developed the box-shaped stereoscope. Coleman Sellers invented the Kinematoscope in 1960, which gives the feeling of depth and gives the impression of watching movies by rotating the matching pictures around a mile. Along with the three-dimensional image acquisition studies, the development of virtual reality as an application intensified towards the end of World War II. The first virtual reality simulator was invented by Morton Heilig in 1962 and named it “Sensorama” (Figure 2). Users using this system have experienced effects such as 3D image, sound, movement, smell, and the system has a vibrating seat.

In the military field, the needs of the US air force have contributed significantly to the development of virtual reality technology. First, Thomas A. Furness flight simulator in 1966, the company General Electric built a computerized flight simulator with a 180-degree field of view surrounding the cockpit. In the same years, Myron Krueger developed the “artificial reality” experiences using computers and video systems and made a work called “Videoplace” and became the most important invention of the period. Figure 3) and (Figure 4) types have been developed.

Virtual reality technology has been developed with mechanical – manual systems until the 1990s. It is seen that SG equipment has been used in daily life since the 90’s. The first steps in this regard were taken by the companies Sega (Figure 5) and Nintendo (Figure 6), which produce game consoles, by introducing SG headset and glasses equipment to the market.

By the 21st century, there has been a big, rapid development in the development of virtual reality in the first fifteen years. Along with computer technology, the strengthening of processors in mobile hardware, the rise of high-density screens and smart phones with 3D graphics have enabled the development and production of light and practical virtual reality devices.
Today, virtual reality technology is used in many different sectors. You can read this article for usage areas in education .
- International Journal of Social Research
- TRT Academy Magazine