What is an IP address?

IP is an abbreviation of the words “Internet Protocol”. IP is a protocol that allows devices on the internet to communicate with each other. All devices on the Internet (computers, smartphones, tablets, servers, etc.) It has a unique identification number called an IP address. These IP addresses are used to transmit data packets over the internet to the correct device.

IP addresses are divided into two as local and public.

What is a private IP address?

A unique IP address used by devices within a network to communicate with each other. This IP address allows devices to be identified on the local network and communicate with other devices. Local IP addresses fall into the following ranges: to to to

How to Find a Local IP Address <– Click to find

What is a public IP address?

An IP address that identifies the unique identity of a device on the Internet. This address is given to the device by the internet service provider (ISP) and allows it to communicate with other devices over the internet. Everyone is accessible over the internet and is unique across the globe.

How to Find a Public IP Address? <– Click to find

What is IPv6?

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is a standard for the internet protocol and is intended to replace IPv4. IPv4 is the widely used current version of the internet and uses an address space that is 32 bits long. IPv6, on the other hand, uses a 128-bit long address space to facilitate the unique identification of IP addresses. This allows IPv6 to uniquely provide 340 undecillion (3.4 x 10¹³⁸) IP addresses.

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