How to Find the Serial Number of an SSD or HDD

How to Retrieve the Serial Number of an SSD or HDD

Knowing the serial number of your HDD or SSD can be highly beneficial for device maintenance or warranty purposes. You can follow the steps below to find it:

To view it in the Windows operating system

  1. Right-click on the Start menu located in the bottom left corner and open “Run” (or use the Windows key + R key combination).
  2. Type “cmd” to open the “Command Prompt.”
  3. Enter the command “wmic diskdrive get serialnumber” and press Enter.
  4. The serial number will be displayed.

To view it in the MacOS operating system

  1. Open Finder and navigate to the “Applications” folder.
  2. Under “Utilities,” open the “Terminal” application.
  3. Type the command “diskutil list” and press Enter.
  4. Identify the disk name of your HDD or SSD.
  5. Enter the command “diskutil info diskX | grep Serial” (replace X with the disk name) and press Enter.
  6. The serial number will be displayed.

To view it in Linux operating systems

  1. Open the Terminal.
  2. Type the command “sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda” (sda being the name of your HDD or SSD) and press Enter.
  3. The serial number will be displayed.
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