Text Formatting Tags in HTML

Document Formatting Tags In HTML, you can create a title in the document, make text bold, italic, underlined, create bullets, and create horizontal lines. Some of them are:

Start tagEnd tagDescription
<H1>…<H2></H1>…</H2>Header Tags:The number 1 is the widest. The default alignment is left and we can change it if we want.
<STRONG></STRONG>Strong Emphasis
<EM></EM>Emphasis: Accent Label. It usually appears in italics.
<PRE></PRE>Preformatted: Shows text with the same width for each character, such as the Courier font. This type of fonts is called font-pitch.
<P></P>Paragraph tag. The closure tag may not be used. The Align value is left by default, leaving one line blank before and after this tag block.
<DIV></DIV>Division: Section Label. Used to open a new section on the page. The default value of the Align property is left, and there are no empty lines before and after the block, as in the P tag.
<CENTER></CENTER>The text in between is averaged.
<BR>noLine Break
<HR>noHorizontal Rule
<BASEFONT>noUsed to change the overall text size and color of the page. There are properties of size and color.
<FONT></FONT>Used to write 1 degree larger than the size of the font in the area where it is used
<SMALL></SMALL>Used to write less than 1 degree of the size of the font in the area where it is used
<BIG></BIG>Used to write 1 degree larger than the size of the font in the area where it is used

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Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: md5_file(/home/murberco/public_html/wp-content/litespeed/css/e57088712bf8c40d8a9d8be09342386e.css.tmp): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/murberco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/src/optimizer.cls.php:140 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: litespeed_exception_handler(2, 'md5_file(/home/...', '/home/murberco/...', 140) #1 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/src/optimizer.cls.php(140): md5_file('/home/murberco/...') #2 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/src/optimize.cls.php(837): LiteSpeed\Optimizer->serve('https://murber....', 'css', true, Array) #3 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/src/optimize.cls.php(330): LiteSpeed\Optimize->_build_hash_url(Array) #4 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/src/optimize.cls.php(264): LiteSpeed\Optimize->_optimize() #5 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): LiteSpeed\Optimize->finalize('<!DOCTYPE html>...') #6 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters('<!DOCTYPE html>...', Array) #7 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/src/core.cls.php(477): apply_filters('litespeed_buffe...', '<!DOCTYPE html>...') #8 [internal function]: LiteSpeed\Core->send_headers_force('<!DOCTYPE html>...', 9) #9 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php(5464): ob_end_flush() #10 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): wp_ob_end_flush_all('') #11 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #12 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #13 /home/murberco/public_html/wp-includes/load.php(1279): do_action('shutdown') #14 [internal function]: shutdown_action_hook() #15 {main} thrown in /home/murberco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/src/optimizer.cls.php on line 140